Archway API

Archway API is the REST interface primaly enabling functionality to it's UI counterpart but also a means for automation.


All backend code is written in Scala with support of scala libraries.

What's Being Used?

  • Cats for better abstractions for functional programming.
  • Cats effect for handling side effects.
  • Circe for parsing JSON.
  • Doobie for providing pure functional connection with database.
  • Http4s for handling http requests.


The code is comprised of a few primary packages:

  • REST API - Responsible for serving requests via HTTP.
  • Startup - io.phdata.startup Responsible for managing initial (and often repeating) tasks.
  • Clients - io.phdata.clients Responsible for interacting with third party integrations like CM API.
  • Config - io.phdata.config Responsible for parsing configuration into case classes.
  • Generators - io.phdata.generators Responsible for automation of creating specific application objects.
  • Models - io.phdata.models Responsible for representing the domain model of the application.
  • Provisioning - io.phdata.provisioning Responsible for applying metadata to the cluster and resources requested.
  • Repositories - io.phdata.repositories Responsible for managing interactions with the meta database.
  • Services - Responsible for providing business logic.


The metadata for Archway is broken up into two main parts: workspace metadata and application configuration. Visualization of database schema can be found in Archway.mwb (can be open with MySQL Workbench).

Workspace Metadata

All workspaces can contain a collection of topics, applications, databases, and resource pools. Depending on the template used, a workspace is stored and when applied, timestamps on the related entity are updated to indicate progress.


Integration test module

An Integration test module contains test for verifying application crucial parts, those tests use real services.

An integration test jar is included in the parcel at \$PARCELS_ROOT/ARCHWAY/usr/lib/archway-server/archway-test.jar

Run tests by adding your application.conf to the classpath and choosing a test:

java -cp "/path/to/application.conf:cloudera-integration/build/ARCHWAY-1.5.1/usr/lib/archway-server/*:cloudera-integration/build/ARCHWAY-1.5.1/usr/lib/archway-server-tests/*" -o -R cloudera-integration/build/ARCHWAY-1.5.1/usr/lib/archway-server-tests/archway-integration-tests.jar -q Spec```bash

When run in a dev environment this looks like:

java -cp "common/src/test/resources/application.test.conf:integration-test/target/scala-2.12/archway-test.jar" io.phdata.clients.LDAPClientImplIntegrationSpec

Build the test jar locally with

make package-tests

Create integration tests with make package-tests.

Archway UI

Archway UI is a web application for managing resources.

What's Being Used?

  • React for managing the presentation logic of your application.
  • Redux + Redux-Immutable + Reselect for generating and managing your state model.
  • Redux-Saga for managing application side effects.
  • Antd for ui elements such as sidebar, dropdown, card, etc.
  • Formik and Redux-Form for handling forms efficiently.
  • Fuse for fuzzy-search feature.
  • React-Csv for exporting data in csv format.
  • Lodash for using various utility functions.
  • Node Version 8.x
  • NPM Version 5.x

File Structure


In this folder is a default index.html file for serving up the application. Fonts used by application also reside here.


Folder containing image assets used in the application.


The client folder houses the client application for your project. This is where your client-side Javascript components, logical code blocks and image assets live.


Here reside the components that are used globally, such as ListCardToggle, Behavior and WorkspaceListItem.


Here we have containers, the components that are connected to redux. Each container has its own actions, reducers, sagas and selectors. Every routes of the app has their relevant containers. The sub-directory names indicate what route they are pointing. Some containers has subfolder named components that includes components used for that specific container.


Here we define all the models used for the application, including Workspace and Cluster.


Global reducers and sagas of the application stays here.


Here resides the code for making api calls.