Creating a release


Archway follows Semantic Versioning. Given a version like 1.1.1, with the parts called ..

  • Major versions will increment if there are breaking API changes
  • Minor versions will increment if there is new functionality
  • Patch versions will increment if there are fixes to existing functionality

We also add a 'release candidate' version to the end of the semver version so we can test and track versions internally before they are released to the public, for example 1.1.0-rc1 for release candiate '1'.


There are three builds defined in Bitbucket

  • default: This build runs on each committed branch, building the UI and API code
  • nightly: This build creates a CSD and parcel in the parcels-dev Artifactory Repo nightly
  • commit: This build can be run to create a custom build for a specific commit hash. This is useful for on-demand testing